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Q Q:1224848052
MATLAB代做|FPGA代做|Fitting data using a linear combination of Legendre polynomials
来源:本站    日期:2019/8/7    浏览量:190  


function varargout = legendrefit(Y, N, method)
%LEGENDREFIT Fitting data using a linear combination of Legendre polynomials
%  A = legendrefit(Y, N, method) finds the column vector A which contains
%  weighting coefficients of the linear combination of a set of Legendre
%  polynomials up to order N. A(i) is the weight of P_{i-1}(x) which is
%  Legendre polynomial of order i-1. The fitting is optimum in the least 
%  squares sense. If N is not specified, default order 2 is used.  
%  Three methods are available (just for fun): 'inv' (default) inverts the 
%  normal equation matrix directly, while 'chol' and 'qr' find the solution
%  via Cholesky and QR decomposition, respectively.
%  [A Y2] = legendrefit(...) returns the fitting (regression) result Y2, 
%  i.e. Y2 = \sum_{i=1}^{N+1} A(i)*P_{i-1}(x). Residuals are then Y - Y2.
%  [A Y2 r] = legendrefit(...) and [A Y2 r e] = legendrefit(...) further 
%  return the Pearson's correlation coefficient r and root mean square 
%  error (RMSE) e, respectively.
%  If no output argument is specified, legendrefit(...) plots the Y and Y2.

error(nargchk(1,3,nargin)) % check the number of arguments

% make sure Y is a vector
if all(size(Y)>1)
    error('Input data should be a vector.')

% check N
if nargin < 2
    fprintf('Order N is not specified. Default order N=2 is used.\n')
    N = 2; % set N to default
if (N < 0 || round(N) ~= N)
    fprintf('Input N=%g is not valid. Default order N=2 is used.\n', N)
    N = 2;

% default method for finding the solution in least squares sense
if nargin < 3
    method = 'inv';

%%% compute the Legendre polynomial coefficients matrix coeff
% coeff(i,j) gives the polynomial coefficient for term x^{j-1} in P_{i-1}(x)
if N > 1
    coeff = zeros(N+1);
    coeff([1 N+3]) = 1; % set coefficients of P_0(x) and P_1(x)
    % now compute for higher order: nP_n(x) = (2n-1)xP_{n-1}(x) - (n-1)P_{n-2}(x)
    for ii = 3:N+1
        coeff(ii,:) = (2-1/(ii-1))*coeff(ii-1,[end 1:end-1]) - (1-1/(ii-1))*coeff(ii-2,:);
    % simple case
    coeff = eye(N+1);

m = length(Y);
X = -1:2/(m-1):1; % Legendre polynomials are supported for |x|<=1
Y = Y(:); % make it a column
X = X(:);

%%% Evaluate the polynomials for every element in X
D = cumprod([ones(m,1) X(:,ones(1,N))], 2) * coeff.';
% or D = cumprod([ones(m,1) repmat(X,[1 N])], 2) * coeff.';

%%% Alternatively, you can compute D as following (slower)
% coeff = coeff(:,end:-1:1); % rearrange the coefficients matrix
% D = zeros(m, N+1);
% for ii = 1:N+1
%     D(:,ii) = polyval(coeff(ii,:),X);
% end

%%% Find weighting coefficients for the linear combination of polynomials
switch method
    case 'inv'
        % Solution 1 (default)
        % for ill-conditioned case, method 'qr' may be a better choice
        A = (D.'*D)\(D.'*Y); % inverting the normal equations matrix directly 

    case 'chol'
        % Solution 2: Cholesky decomposition
        % let D.'*D = R.'*R where R is an upper triangular matrix
        % D.'*D should be positive definite
        R = chol(D.'*D);
        Z = R.'\(D.'*Y);
        A = R\Z;

    case 'qr'
        % Solution 3: QR decomposition
        % this method is computionally more intensive, but usually gives 
        % better numerical stablility
        [Q,R] = qr(D,0);
        A = R\(Q.'*Y);

        error('Unknown method! Available methods: ''inv'' (default), ''chol'' and ''qr''.')

% fitting (regression) result
Y2 = D*A; 

%%% Compute some numerical indicators of how well the fitting is
% Pearson's correlation coefficient
a = Y-mean(Y);
b = Y2-mean(Y2);
r = a.'*b / sqrt((a.'*a)*(b.'*b)); 
% root mean square error (RMSE)
Z = Y-Y2; % residuals
e = sqrt(Z.'*Z/m); 
% e2 = norm(Z); % e = e2/sqrt(m);

%%% allocate outputs
switch nargout
    case {1}
        varargout = {A};
    case {2}
        varargout = {A, Y2};
    case {3}
        varargout = {A, Y2, r};
    case {4}
        varargout = {A, Y2, r, e};
        % no output specified, plot Y and Y2
        figure, plot(X,Y), grid on
        hold on, plot(X,Y2,'--r','linewidth',2)
        title(sprintf('Order N = %d; Correlation: %g; RMSE:%g', N, r, e));
        xlabel('x'), ylabel('\Sigma_{n=0}^{N} P_n(x)');
        legend('Orignial data','Regression results');


QQ :1224848052






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